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Litter Box Problems and How to Solve Them

 על ידי petbucket ב 24 מרס 2016 |
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אם אתה מתוסכל עם חתול שלקח לחשוב מחוץ לקופסה כשמדובר המלטה המלטה, אתה לא לבד: לפחות 10 אחוזים של חתולים לפתח בעיה חיסול בשלב מסוים במהלך חייהם. לאחר החתול שלך מטפח aversi ...

The Cat’s Meow: Excessive Meowing and How to Curb Cats’ Cries

 על ידי petbucket ב 12 מרס 2016 |
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Many cat owners have experienced the frustration of coming home to a seemingly endless barrage of meowing. Certain breed...

The Lowdown on Declawing Your Cat

 על ידי petbucket ב 05 מרס 2016 |
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Declawing cats is a hot-button issue among veterinarians and pet owners alike. Onychectomy, as the procedure is formally...

The ABC’s of Dog Dental Care

 על ידי petbucket ב 26 פבואר 2016 |
1הערה (תגובות)
Everyone’s heard the phrase “dog breath,” but most owners don’t realize that bad breath can be a sign of more serious periodontal problems, such as plaque, gum disease and tooth loss. The idea of regular dental care is new to many pet owners, but kee...

Three Common Pantry Items Can Improve Your Dog's Health

 על ידי petbucket ב 11 פבואר 2016 |
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Your kitchen pantry may contain several natural herbs and spices that can improve your dog's health. Rather than spendin...

Essential Rules of Dog Obedience Training

 על ידי petbucket ב 21 ינואר 2016 |
3הערה (תגובות)
Obedience training can prove frustrating and overwhelming. When your puppy refuses to relieve himself outside or Lassie ...

What To Do About A Cat Scratching Furniture

 על ידי petbucket ב 14 ינואר 2016 |
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Cats may be the most popular kind of pet in the world, beloved for their companionship and antics. Unfortunately, a common issue that arises from owning a cat is destruction of furniture. A cat's claws need maintenance, and they do this by scratching...

Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

 על ידי petbucket ב 06 ינואר 2016 |
1הערה (תגובות)
Many dog owners are unable to resist those pleading eyes at dinnertime and give in by feeding their pooch scraps of huma...

מפגש עם כלבים אחרים: כיצד להימנע מצרות על שביל הליכה

 על ידי petbucket ב 16 דצמבר 2015 |
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Taking your dog for a walk can be a productive, enjoyable activity until you meet another dog on the walking path. Even ...

כיצד להתרועע עם הכלב החדש שלך

 על ידי petbucket ב 04 דצמבר 2015 |
1הערה (תגובות)
Once you've prepared your home and chosen your dog, the next important steps are training and socialization. It is highly recommended that you take a short dog training course with a professional trainer. That will ensure basic obedience training is ...
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