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Filtered by tag ('tips and tricks')

האם הכלב הבא שלך צריך להיות כלב מחסה?

 על ידי jaime ב 29 אפריל 2014 |
אין תגובה
If you are looking for a new four-legged family member, there are many reasons to head to the local animal shelter instead of the local breeder. Owning a shelter dog can be very rewarding for you and the animal. Animal shelters and pet rescue organiz...

How Does Your Cat See You?

 על ידי danielle ב 29 אפריל 2014 |
1הערה (תגובות)
Anthrozoologist Dr. John Bradshaw has spent years studying the domestic house cat to discover more about their habits an...

התמודדות עם חרדת פרידה אצל גורים

 על ידי jaime ב 24 אפריל 2014 |
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Leaving behind your little bundle of fur even for a few hours is unpleasant, but for your puppy it can be a devastating ...

שבע סיבות לאהוב חתולים בורמזים

 על ידי jaime ב 22 אפריל 2014 |
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While Burmese cats have attracted less attention than some other similar breeds (most notably Siamese), those who have owned one will often say that it is hard to transition to any other breed once you have enjoyed the love of a Burmese. Here are som...

למעלה חמישה טיפים בטיחות הקיץ עבור הכלב שלך

 על ידי wai ב 08 אפריל 2014 |
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Your dog is a cherished member of your family. Therefore, you usually have to treat your pet as you would handle a young...

אילוף כלבים: ייתכן שאתה שולח איתותים מעורבים

 על ידי wai ב 05 מרס 2014 |
2הערה (תגובות)
Humans have been training dogs for thousands of years.  So naturally, you might assume that we would have it down to a s...

גור כלבים אימון - ארבעה שלבים בהצלחה בסיר רכבת הכלב שלך

 על ידי wai ב -19 בפברואר 2014 |
1הערה (תגובות)
It's one of the indisputable laws of nature: what goes in one end must come out the other. It's the question of when and where it comes out that causes problems for the owner of a new puppy. Potty training a new dog is one of the first things you'll ...

מקבל כלב חדש? כיצד לאמץ את החתול המשפחה

 על ידי wai ב -13 בפברואר 2014 |
1הערה (תגובות)
Bringing a new dog or puppy home is an exciting and joyful time for families, but the furry newcomer may not be a welcom...

הליכה הכלב שלך: 6 טיפים להקים Pack מנהיגות

 by wai on 09 Dec 2013 |
7הערה (תגובות)
It doesn’t matter if you’re walking just one dog or 10 at a time; you can keep them in line if you’ve established yourse...

הגנה על הכפות של הכלב שלך דרך עונת החורף

 על ידי wai ב 23 נובמבר 2013 |
1הערה (תגובות)
Winter can be incredibly hard on a dog's paws. While a dog's paw does form a hard callus, this does not prevent them from the possibility of frostbite or dry and cracking feet. If you live in areas that suffer from particularly harsh weather, there a...
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